SQM vs. NELM – preliminary results

I started making regular observations of NELM and SQM in late March last year when I bought a SQM-L device for myself. Then I started a project about collecting these measurements and comparing NELM vs. SQM. Here's a preliminary graphical presentation of my results. In this graph, there is SQM plotted vs. NELM. This dataset … Continue reading SQM vs. NELM – preliminary results

NELM and SQM in late March in Sodankylä, Finland

During late March I made some observations of naked eye limiting magnitude and SQM -measurements. My observing place was Kaanaanmaa neighbourhood in Sodankylä town, in northern Finland. The observing place is semi-urban and there are street lights causing direct light pollution. The light pollution glow caused by Sodankylä town is evident in south. East, North … Continue reading NELM and SQM in late March in Sodankylä, Finland