Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, late February, early March 2023

Venus and Jupiter had a "close encounter" in the sky in late February and early March 2023. The planets were of course far away from each other, but from the vantage point of an earthbound observer, it looked like they were really close to each other. The actual conjunction and the closest encounter happened in … Continue reading Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, late February, early March 2023

Auroras with some ice rally, 27./28.2.2023

Observed phenomena: Aurora borealisDate: 27./28.2.2023Time: 17:30-18:40 UTObserving place: Lake Palusjärvi, Ulvila, FinlandObserving conditions: high clouds, 55% Moon in the skyObserving method: photography, Camera: Canon EOS 6D, Samyang 8 mm, Irix 15 mm, Sigma 20 mm, Samyang 50 mmObserved aurora forms: Arc Band Rays Veil The geomagnetic storm that started in the evening of 26th of … Continue reading Auroras with some ice rally, 27./28.2.2023

Observing in Ulvila Observatory 12./13.9.2012

Date: 12.-13.9.2012 Time: 22:30-02:30 Observing site: Ulvila Observatory, Finland Instrument: C280/2750mm NELM: 6,0 SQM: 20,73 Darkness of the background sky: 2 Seeing: 2 Transparency: 3 Weather: Clear sky, light wind, no Moon, humid air, +9 °C Objects observed: Jupiter (visual, sketching), SS Cyg (visual), T Cas (visual), T Ari (visual) During this session, I was … Continue reading Observing in Ulvila Observatory 12./13.9.2012

Noctilucent clouds, SQM -measurements, Jupiter and variable stars

Observing session #3/11-12 During couple of last nights I was making some observations. During the night 29/30.7.2011 I was making observations in Turku. First at 01.00 I checked the NLCs from the Kerttulinmäki -hil, and indeed there was a small display going on in the northern sky. The display was restricted to small area in … Continue reading Noctilucent clouds, SQM -measurements, Jupiter and variable stars

Havaintokausi 10-11 avattu! (Havaintosessio #1/10-11)

Vietin kesäni napapiirin pohjoispuolella, tarkemmin sanottuna Sodankylässä. Johtuen maantieteellisestä sijainnistani ja työkiireistäni kesän aikana, pystyin aloittamaan havaintokauden vasta syyskuun puolella. Ensimmäinen havaintosessio oli lyhyt, koska kuu alkoi pian nousta itäiselle taivaalle. Havaittuja kohteita olivat: Jupiter, Stock 1 ja NGC 6830. Jupiterista panin merkille, että planeetan eteläinen vyö oli varsin heikko, mutta ei kuitenkaan täysin olematon … Continue reading Havaintokausi 10-11 avattu! (Havaintosessio #1/10-11)