Observing 27./28.3.2016

Date: 27./28.03.2016
Time: 21:30-03:00
Observing site: Ulvila observatory, Finland
Instrument: C280/2750mm (11” Catadioptric)

NELM: 5.3
SQM: 20.63
Darkness of the background sky: 3
Seeing: 3
Transparency: –
Weather: Clear sky, windy, snow has already melted away

Objects observed: NGC 5033

NGC 5033

I was observing at the Ulvila observatory with three other active members of Porin Karhunvartijat in the night between 27th and 28th of March. Snow had already melted away, and that’s why the sky was already darker than in the mid winter.

All the other observers were astrophotographers, and there was all kinds of hustle and activities going on at the observatory during the night! So the situation for visual deep sky observing was challenging because of that, but nevertheless I managed to do at least one observation. This time I observed NGC 5033, which is a galaxy in Canes Venatici, less than four degrees SE from Alpha Canum Venaticorum. This galaxy is nearly edge-on spiral galaxy. Of this galaxy, I wrote following notes:

This galaxy was visible as a N-S direction elongated nebulous patch. The galaxy is pretty faint, but it has a considerably bright, almost star-like core. In the galaxy, there is a 13th magnitude star just 1′ north of the core.

160327-28_NGC 5033
NGC 5033 observed with 11” Catadioptric

So that was it for now..next time I’m going to be writing about my observations in Tenerife! So you can expect some new posts in the later half of April..

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