IC 2149

Object information
Designation: IC 2149
Popular name: None
Type of object: Planetary nebula (3b(2))
Right ascension: 05h 56m 19.1s
Declination: +46° 07′ 24″
Constellation: Auriga
Magnitude: 10.0
Size: 12.0″x6.0″
Altitude of the object: 68°
Visuality of the object: 1 (from 1-5, 5 being worst and 1 best)

Observation information
Observing session id:
Date: 23./4.12.2013
Time: 22.35
Location: Ulvila observatory, Finland
Instrument: C280/2750mm (11” Catadioptric)
Magnification: 367x
Field of view: –
Filter: OIII

Observation conditions
NELM: 5.0
SQM: 20.5
Seeing: 2 (from 1-5, 5 being worst and 1 best)
Transparency: –
Darkness of the background sky: 3 (from 1-5, 5 being worst and 1 best)
Weather: Clear sky, windy, +3C°, no Moon, no snow

Description: @69x: bright, stellar object @183x: very small and bright disk, no more stellar @367x: bright, small, oval-shaped disk, the long axis of the oval is oriented in direction NNW-SSE. No central star or internal structure visible. This object appears as a very bright glowing disk with OIII, but it doesn’t improve the view much.

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